Gjenfunnet Ken Dodd radioshow med Beatles

Paul, George, Ken Dodd og John.

BBC Radio har lagt ut et program som de har funnet igjen etter seksti år. Programmet ble først sendt på BBC Light Programme i november 1963. Programmet ble innspilt på John Lennons 23-årsdag, 9. oktober 1963.

Foruten sketsjer og andre typer programinnslag fremfører Beatles “She Loves You”. Den blir fremført ganske tidlig i programmet, så om du ikke er veldig opptatt av antikvert britisk humor så kan vi avsløre at de ikke dukker opp igjen senere.

Her er lenken til dette programmet: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/play/m001mbzv

Dette er bare ett av mange radioprogrammer som Radio BBC 4 Extra har sendt og skal sende for å feire 60 år siden “From me To You”, ifølge nyere historieforfalskning Beatles’ første førsteplass på de britiske single hitlistene.

Lørdag 27. mai
22:00 – Mitch Benn Is the 37th Beatle
Musical satirist Mitch Benn explores his comedy connections to the story of the Beatles

Søndag 28. mai
09:00 – The Ken Dodd Show
Recovered Episode with the Beatles (03/11/1963)
Doddy is joined by the Beatles – recorded on John Lennon’s 23rd birthday. From 1963.

Mandag 29. mai
10:00 – Ray Connolly – Sorry, Boys, You Failed the Audition
What would have happened to The Beatles if George Martin had turned them down?

10:45 – The New Elizabethans
John Lennon / Paul McCartney. James Naughtie assesses the pair at the heart of the Beatles, Lennon and McCartney.

12:00 – One Two Three Four – The Beatles In Time by Craig Brown
1/5. A Day In The Life. Snapshots and glimpses of the Beatles and their legacy.

Tirsdag 30. mai
10:00 – When Elvis Met The Beatles
One night in 1965, Elvis Presley invited The Beatles to his Los Angeles mansion.

12:00 – One Two Three Four – The Beatles In Time by Craig Brown
2/5. She Loves You. Paul McCartney is welcomed into his girlfriend’s family.

Onśdag 31. mai
10:00 – With A Little Help From My Friends (Drama)
The story of Brian Epstein during his hectic, turbulent years of managing The Beatles.

12:00 – One Two Three Four – The Beatles In Time by Craig Brown
3/5. Magical Mystery Tour. The Beatles embark on their American adventure.

20:00 – Celebrating The Beatles
Beatles at the BBC
A rare chance to hear the Beatles as BBC audiences would have originally encountered them

Torsdag 1. juni
10:00 – Lennon: A Week in the Life (A play by Dick Clement & Ian La Frenais)
When just 40 come to John Lennon’s memorial service, his old friend is forced to act.

10:45 – A Point of View
Beatle Time. Adam Gopnik celebrates the 50th anniversary of the Beatles.

12:00 – One Two Three Four – The Beatles In Time by Craig Brown
4/5. The Word. Lyrics with hidden meanings, the benefits of hiding in plain sight.

21:00 – Great Lives
John Lennon is the life nominated by writer John Harris. Matthew Parris presents.

Fredag 2. juni
12:00 – One Two Three Four – The Beatles In Time by Craig Brown
5/5. Strawberry Fields Forever. The Beatles hair became a trademark. Locks of it are still available to buy, at a price.

20:00 – The Frost Tapes
The Beatles. This is the story of the world’s greatest band, told to the world’s greatest interviewer.

20:30 – Frankly Speaking
Brian Epstein, manager of the Beatles, discusses his career.

Klokkeslettene er engelsk tid. Du kan søke etter programmene på BBC Sounds. De blir liggende tilgjengelig i 30 dager etter at de er kringkastet.