Pressemelding om jubileumsutgaven av Sgt Pepper

‘Sgt. Pepper presenteres nå med splitter ny stereo mix og 5.1 surround lyd;
Forlenget med hittil upubliserte studioopptak, videosekvenser og luksusemballasje.

‘The Making of Sgt. Pepper’ dokumentaren fra 1992, medfølger i restaurert utgave i Super Deluxe Boksen.

London, 5 april 2017 – “Det var 50 år siden i dag” 1. juni, da John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison og Ringo Starr aka The Beatles, både overrasket og imponerte verden i ‘The Summer Of Love’ med “Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band “albumet.
– et banebrytende mesterverk, med et enda mer ikonisk cover som siden har blitt universets mest anerkjente og elskede pop album til dags dato. For å markere denne berømte hendelsen, utgir Beatles og Apple Corps Ltd./Capitol/USM den 26. mai en helt ny serie av vakkert produserte ‘Sgt. Pepper ‘jubileumsutgaver på CD og LP. Albumet har nylig blitt remikset av Giles Martin og Sam Okell i stereo og 5.1 surround lyd, og er nå utvidet med tidlige versjoner av sanger fra innspillingsprosessen, inkludert ikke mindre enn 34 tidligere uutgitte opptak av ‘The Fab Four’ fra Liverpool.

“It’s crazy to think that 50 years later we are looking back on this project with such fondness and a little bit of amazement at how four guys, a great producer and his engineers could make such a lasting piece of art,”, sier Paul McCartney sin nyskrevne introduksjon til “Sgt. Pepper” jubileumsutgavene.

“Sgt. Pepper” seemed to capture the mood of that year, and it also allowed a lot of other people to kick off from there and to really go for it” forteller Ringo Starr i heftet som medfølger jubileumsutgavene.

Dette er også første gang at “Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band” har blitt remikset og presentert med alternative innspillinger. Og i tillegg er det første gang siden “Let It Be … Naked” ble utgitt i 2003 at et Beatlesalbum har blitt både remikset og utvidet. For å lage en ny stereo mix og 5.1 surround miks for “Sgt. Pepper”, har produsent Giles Martin og sjefstekniker Sam Okell jobbet med et team av Abbey Road Studios mikse- og restaureringseksperter som har tatt de opprinnelige fire-spors båndene og nøye overført dem til moderne teknologi – ledet av den originale monomiksen som også ble foretrukket av både Beatles og produsent George Martin. Alle jubileumsutgaver inkluderer Giles Martins nye stereomiks av albumet, som han gjorde etter farens opprinnelige notater fra 1967. Dette har gitt en mye mer omfattende lyd, der de enkelte instrumenter og vokal begge har mer en mer homogen sammensetning og plass i lydoverflatene – noe som ikke var mulig på remastrene som ble gjort i 2009, ettersom de da bare benyttet nedmiksede bånd.

Da “Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band” albumet ble sluppet 1 juni 1967 tilbragte den 148 uker på de britiske albumlistene, inkludert 27 uker på Nr. 1, mens albumets amerikanske listehistorie forteller om hele 15 uker som nr.1 i sine 88 uker på Billboard Top 200-listen.
“Sgt. Pepper” har vunnet fire Grammy Awards, inkludert “Album of the Year’, og det er fortsatt et av de mest innflytelsesrike og mest solgte album i historien. I 2003 innlemmet de også “Sgt. Pepper” i US Library of Congress i sin samling som både kulturelt, historisk og estetisk betydelig bidrag til amerikansk historie. “Sgt. Pepper Lonely Hearts Club Band” topper industrimagasinet Rolling Stone Magazine sin endelige liste over “De 500 største albumene noensinne.”

For ‘Record Store-Day arrangementet den 22. april, slipper Apple Corps Ltd./Capitol/UMe også en eksklusiv og svært begrenset utgave av The Beatles 7″ vinylsingle “Strawberry Fields Forever”/”Penny Lane”, som var blant de første sangene som ble innspilt under ‘Sgt. Pepper’ sessions som startet i november 1966. I stedet for å spare disse to sangene til albumet, valgte de å distribuere begge sangene som en dobbel A-side singel i februar 1967 – midt i medieinteressen om bandets neste skritt fremover, fremfor alt en bro mellom ‘Revolver’ albumet fra august 1966 til ‘Sgt. Pepper ‘var klar for utgivelse i underkant av 10 måneder etter.

– “A splendid time is guaranteed for all” –

The album’s vibrant artwork, including its extravagant Pop Art cover which finds The Beatles surrounded by a crowd of heroes in a 3D collage, was created by Peter Blake and Jann Haworth in collaboration with the band. The original artwork is showcased across the suite of Anniversary Edition releases, including the album’s pull-out sheet of ‘Sgt. Pepper’ cutouts. Housed in a 12-inch by 12-inch box with lenticular artwork and two bonus posters, the six-disc Super Deluxe set is presented with a 144-page hardcover book. The book includes new introductions by Paul McCartney and Giles Martin, and chapters covering comprehensive song-by-song details and recording information, the design of the cover, the album’s musical innovations and its historical context by Beatles historian, author and radio producer Kevin Howlett; composer and musicologist Howard Goodall; music producer and writer Joe Boyd; and journalists Ed Vulliamy and Jeff Slate,  illustrated with rare photographs, reproductions of handwritten lyrics, Abbey Road Studios documentation, and original ‘Sgt. Pepper’ print ads. The Deluxe 2CD digipak is slipcased with a 50-page booklet abridged from the box set’s book, and the 2LP Deluxe Vinyl is presented in a faithful reproduction of the album’s original gatefold jacket.

– “We hope you will enjoy the show” –

Just as many ideas are sparked by chance, ‘Sgt. Pepper’ first sprang from a conversation between Paul and Beatles roadie Mal Evans on an airplane, when Mal’s request to pass the salt and pepper was misheard by Paul as “Sgt. Pepper.” The concept of who such a figure could be took root in Paul’s mind, blooming with the imagination of The Beatles as an Edwardian era military band — “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.” The Beatles’ creative wellspring for ‘Sgt. Pepper’ also flowed from such myriad sources as The Beach Boys’ Pet Sounds album, a Victorian circus poster (“Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!”), a TV commercial for breakfast cereal (“Good Morning Good Morning”), a picture drawn by John’s young son, Julian (“Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds”), a teen runaway reported in the news (“She’s Leaving Home’), and Hindu teachings (“Within You Without You”).
– “Lend me your ears and I’ll sing you a song” –

Using the standard four-track tape recording equipment of the day, The Beatles collaborated with producer George Martin to achieve “the impossible,” as they dubbed it, to go as far out as they could with arrangements and new technology to realize their collective vision for Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band. As George Martin described it, “We were into another kind of art form where you were putting something down on tape that could only be done on tape.” The Beatles clocked more than 400 hours in Abbey Road’s Studio 2 to record the album, wrapping sessions in April 1967.

– “I read the news today oh boy” –

Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Anniversary Edition releases include:

A CD featuring the new ‘Sgt. Pepper’ stereo mix, complete with the original U.K. album’s “Edit for LP End” run-out groove.


Deluxe:  Expanded 2CD and digital package features the new stereo album mix on the first CD and adds a second CD of 18 tracks, including previously unreleased complete takes of the album’s 13 songs, newly mixed in stereo and sequenced in the same order as the album. The second CD also includes a new stereo mix and a previously unreleased instrumental take of “Penny Lane” and the 2015 stereo mix and two previously unreleased complete takes of “Strawberry Fields Forever.”

Dobbeltalbum på LP

Deluxe Vinyl:  Expanded 180-gram 2LP vinyl package features the new stereo album mix on the first LP and adds a second LP with previously unreleased complete takes of the album’s 13 songs, newly mixed in stereo and sequenced in the same order as the album.

The full monty

Super Deluxe:  The comprehensive six-disc boxed set features:
CD 1:  New stereo album mix
CDs 2 & 3:
– 33 additional recordings from the studio sessions, most previously unreleased and mixed for the first time from the four-track session tapes, sequenced in chronological order of their recording dates
– A new stereo mix of “Penny Lane” and the 2015 stereo mix of “Strawberry Fields Forever”
CD 4:
– Direct transfers of the album’s original mono mix and the “Strawberry Fields Forever” and “Penny Lane” singles
– Capitol Records’ U.S. promotional mono single mix of “Penny Lane”
– Previously unreleased early mono mixes of “She’s Leaving Home,” “A Day In The Life,” and “Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds” (a mix thought to have been erased from a tape in 1967, but discovered during archive research for the anniversary edition)
Discs 5 & 6 (Blu-ray and DVD):
– New 5.1 surround audio mixes of the album and “Penny Lane” by Giles Martin and Sam Okell, plus their 2015 5.1 surround mix of “Strawberry Fields Forever”
– High resolution audio versions of the new stereo mixes of the album and “Penny Lane” and of the 2015 stereo mix of “Strawberry Fields Forever”
– Video features:  4K restored original promotional films for “Strawberry Fields Forever,” “Penny Lane,” and “A Day In The Life;” plus The Making of Sgt. Pepper, a restored, previously unreleased documentary film (broadcast in 1992), featuring insightful interviews with McCartney, Harrison, and Starr, and in-studio footage introduced by George Martin.

“Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” Anniversary Edition sporlister:

(‘Sgt. Pepper’ 2017 Stereo Mix)
1.  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band
2.  With A Little Help From My Friends
3.  Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds
4.  Getting Better
5.  Fixing A Hole
6.  She’s Leaving Home
7.  Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite!
8.  Within You Without You
9.  When I’m Sixty-Four
10. Lovely Rita
11. Good Morning Good Morning
12. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise)
13. A Day In The Life

Deluxe [2CD, digital]

CD 1:  ‘Sgt. Pepper’ 2017 Stereo Mix (samme innhold som 1CD ovenfor)

CD 2:  Komplette tidlige innspillinger, sammensatt på samme vis som originalalbumet, samt diverse utgaver af “Strawberry Fields Forever” og “Penny Lane”

1.  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band [Take 9]
2.  With A Little Help From My Friends [Take 1 – False Start And Take 2 – Instrumental]
3.  Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Take 1]
4.  Getting Better [Take 1 – Instrumental And Speech At The End]
5.  Fixing A Hole [Speech And Take 3]
6.  She’s Leaving Home [Take 1 – Instrumental]
7.  Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! [Take 4]
8.  Within You Without You [Take 1 – Indian Instruments]
9.  When I’m Sixty-Four [Take 2]
10. Lovely Rita [Speech And Take 9]
11. Good Morning Good Morning [Take 8]
12. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) [Take 8]
13. A Day In The Life [Take 1 With Hummed Last Chord]
14. Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 7]
15. Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 26]
16. Strawberry Fields Forever [Stereo Mix – 2015]
17. Penny Lane [Take 6 – Instrumental]
18. Penny Lane [Stereo Mix – 2017]

Deluxe Vinyl [180g 2LP]

LP 1:  ‘Sgt. Pepper’ 2017 Stereo Mix (samme innhold som 1CD ovenfor)

LP 2:  Komplette tidlige innspilninger, sammensatt på samme vis som originalalbumet,

1.  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band [Take 9 And Speech]
2.  With A Little Help From My Friends [Take 1 – False Start And Take 2 – Instrumental]
3.  Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Take 1]
4.  Getting Better [Take 1 – Instrumental And Speech At The End]
5.  Fixing A Hole [Speech And Take 3]
6.  She’s Leaving Home [Take 1 – Instrumental]
7.  Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! [Take 4]

1.  Within You Without You [Take 1 – Indian Instruments]
2.  When I’m Sixty-Four [Take 2]
3.  Lovely Rita [Speech And Take 9]
4.  Good Morning Good Morning [Take 8]
5.  Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) [Take 8]
6.  A Day In The Life [Take 1 With Hummed Last Chord]

Super Deluxe [4CD/DVD/Blu-ray bokssett]

CD 1:  ‘Sgt. Pepper’ 2017 Stereo Mix (samme innhold som 1CD ovenfor)

CD 2:  Komplette tidlige innspillinger, sammensatt på kronologisk vis etter deres opprinnelige innspillingsdato:

1.  Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 1]
2.  Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 4]
3.  Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 7]
4.  Strawberry Fields Forever [Take 26]
5.  Strawberry Fields Forever [Stereo Mix – 2015]
6.  When I’m Sixty-Four [Take 2]
7.  Penny Lane [Take 6 – Instrumental]
8.  Penny Lane [Vocal Overdubs And Speech]
9.  Penny Lane [Stereo Mix – 2017]
10. A Day In The Life [Take 1]
11. A Day In The Life [Take 2]
12. A Day In The Life [Orchestra Overdub]
13. A Day In The Life (Hummed Last Chord) [Takes 8, 9, 10 and 11]
14. A Day In The Life (The Last Chord)
15. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band [Take 1 – Instrumental]
16. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band [Take 9 And Speech]
17. Good Morning Good Morning [Take 1 – Instrumental, Breakdown]
18. Good Morning Good Morning [Take 8]

CD 3:  Komplette tidlige innspillinger, sammensatt på kronologisk vis etter deres opprinnelige innspillingsdato:

1.  Fixing A Hole [Take 1]
2.  Fixing A Hole [Speech And Take 3]
3.  Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! [Speech From Before Take 1; Take 4 And Speech At End]
4.  Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! [Take 7]
5.  Lovely Rita [Speech And Take 9]
6.  Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Take 1 And Speech At The End]
7.  Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Speech, False Start And Take 5]
8.  Getting Better [Take 1 – Instrumental And Speech At The End]
9.  Getting Better [Take 12]
10. Within You Without You [Take 1 – Indian Instruments Only]
11. Within You Without You [George Coaching The Musicians]
12. She’s Leaving Home [Take 1 – Instrumental]
13. She’s Leaving Home [Take 6 – Instrumental]
14. With A Little Help From My Friends [Take 1 – False Start And Take 2 – Instrumental]
15. Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band (Reprise) [Speech And Take 8]

CD 4:  ‘Sgt. Pepper’ + bonusspor i Mono:
(Sang 1-13:  2017 Direkte Transfer af ‘Sgt. Pepper’ Original Mono Mix) +
14. Strawberry Fields Forever [Original Mono Mix]
15. Penny Lane [Original Mono Mix]
16. A Day In The Life [Unreleased First Mono Mix]
17. Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds [Unreleased Mono Mix – No. 11]
18. She’s Leaving Home [Unreleased First Mono Mix]
19. Penny Lane [Capitol Records U.S. Promo Single – Mono Mix]

DISCS 5 & 6 (Blu-ray & DVD)
Audio innhold (begge discer):
– New 5.1 Surround Audio mixes of ‘Sgt. Pepper’ album and “Penny Lane,” plus 2015 5.1 Surround mix of “Strawberry Fields Forever” (Blu-ray: DTS HD Master Audio 5.1, Dolby True HD 5.1 / DVD: DTS Dolby Digital 5.1)
– High Resolution Audio versions of 2017 ‘Sgt. Pepper’ stereo mix and 2017 “Penny Lane” stereo mix, plus 2015 “Strawberry Fields Forever” hi res stereo mix (Blu-ray: LPCM Stereo 96KHz/24bit / DVD: LPCM Stereo)
Video Features (begge discer):
– The Making of Sgt. Pepper [restored 1992 documentary film, previously unreleased]
– Promotional Films:  “A Day In The Life;” “Strawberry Fields Forever;” “Penny Lane” [4K restored]

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Se en kort trailer video av Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band Anniversary Edition her:
